Custom Parts

Greetings!  For those of you who don't know, we do a lot of custom beds, panels, and machined parts!   We  also do OEM work for companies. This page is a guideline for what we need for custom projects.

We also do machining for more than just 3d printer parts.  We enjoy working with inventors to streamline their product and setup production based parts.

Sending us files

  • Send us files on discord to @MandalaRose
  • Email us files to

In House Materials

Materials we typically work with and stock in house.
  • 6061 Aluminum Bar Stock
  • 5083 Cast Tooling Plate 
  • 6061 Aluminum Sheet Metal
  • Clear and Smoked Acrylic in 3mm and 6mm thicknesses
  • Clear and Smoked Polycarbonate in 3mm and 6mm Thicknesses
  • Black ACM (Aluminum Composite Material) aka Signboard which consists of 2 thin sheets of aluminum sandwiching a composite plastic core.  The ACM is quite strong.
  • Brushed Aluminum ACM (Aluminum Composite Material) aka Signboard which consists of 2 thin sheets of aluminum sandwiching a composite plastic core.  The ACM is quite strong.
  • 3.175mm 6061 Sheet Metal
  • Black and White ABS
    Please note that this material has a textured side, and a smooth side.  The smooth side WILL have lines from the manufacturing process. 
    On this material, we cut textured side face up.  So please orient your DXF's taking into consideration if you want the texture inside or facing outside.
Other Materials
We are not opposed to working with other materials.  There are a few we don't work with due to environmental concerns like fiberglass or carbon fiber sheets.  We don't have the air cleaning systems to handle working with those materials.  We can do steel, but we are primarily setup for aluminum machining.  Feel free to contact us with your needs. 

Things we do by default unless requested not to:

In order to create the best quality parts we can, there are some things we automatically do.  If you are trying to save cost, then you need to specifically tell us how you want parts finished.

  • We automatically chamfer all edges and holes.
  • We do a facing cut on both sides of the parts



We need a STEP file of the bed design. 

An STL will not work.  A file converted from an STL will not work either.

  • When sending us bed designs, please do not include any edge chamfers.  We will automatically add small chamfers to the edges to break the sharp edges, but it is more time intensive to program up the bed with chamfers added in the model.
  • If you want magnets embedded into the bed, just let us know when you send the file in and we will add the magnet pockets.  We will send images to you for approval before manufacturing your bed.
  • Please DO NOT model threads into your beds.  They need to just be plain holes.  If threads are modeled in, it can cause problems when setting up for programming the part.
  • We do not recommend blind holes in beds.  It messes with the flatness.  Thru holes are no problem.
  • IF you have holes that need to be tapped, please send a separate file (screen shot is totally fine) that points to holes that need to be tapped, and identifies what thread the hole should be (ie. m3,m4,m5, etc...)
  • Please tell us what printer this is for as if there is enough interest in this bed, we may discuss adding it to our regular lineup on our site.
  • There is a $30 custom setup charge for a custom bed which covers setup and programming of the bed (unless it becomes a regular product).



We require DXF files for all panels we make on a custom basis - even ones that are simple rectangles.  We have to require this so there are no questions or concerns on size or dimensions once we start manufacturing them.  We check our equipment on a weekly basis for accuracy, and spot check a minimum of 2 panels per order with calibrated measuring equipment to make sure parts are within tolerance.

PLEASE NOTE: If you are using an autodesk product such as Fusion, there are many issues with exporting DXF files.  The main issue is overlapping lines.  To assist you, we have linked an article explaining how to eliminate the overlapping lines in fusion.

When sending us files, just to keep things organized so we don't make any mistakes on the quote, please try to follow the guidelines below for the files.  If we have any questions, we will send you a screen shot of the imported panels for approval. 

  • Place all files into a zip file, with folders for each material.  For example, if you want ACM panels, and Clear Polycarbonate, please have 2 folders in the zip labeled ACM and ClearPolycarbonate.
  • Please name each file so that a quantity identifier is needed in the following format:   a_specific_panel_x2 or another_panel_x4 where x2 or x4 designate the number of those specific panels is needed.


Machined Parts or OEM Work

Custom machined parts are a bit more difficult to summarize easily, as programming them is time consuming, and if they are not production, we have to do them on a time and material basis.

If you want to do parts for more than yourself, such as a production run, then the price per part will go down as you are buying multiples.

Please reach out to us via the methods mentioned above to discuss your custom machining needs.